The importance of scheduled maintenance of air conditioners

ارشاد العزل

The importance of scheduled maintenance of air conditioners

Scheduled maintenance is necessary to keep your air conditioner or air conditioner efficient and healthy.

Some of this maintenance can be done independently. In fact, with a little goodwill, cleaning the filter once a year is a simple procedure that does not take much time.

The system continues to function even without regular cleaning, but that does not mean that it is not really important to do so.

Scheduled maintenance of air conditioners allows you to keep the air healthy and free of unpleasant odors and remove dirt and bacteria from the filters. Cleaning the filters also ensures better air circulation and therefore lower electricity consumption. Dust, pollen and all those fine particles in the air are filtered by the air conditioner, thus returning healthy air.

How often should the air conditioner filter be cleaned?

The answer depends on how long it lasts and the amount of smog and dust in the air. For occasional use, initial cleaning may be sufficient, that is, cleaning performed before the system is turned on after several months of inactivity. Otherwise, it is necessary to disassemble the filters and check them from time to time to determine the degree of blockage.

How do you clean the air conditioner filter?

With a simple wash with neutral soap and water, and after rinsing well, it should be left to dry in a protected place, or if you have a compressor, you can blow it with compressed air. Finally, a germicidal product such as a germicidal spray can be sprayed onto the filter.

Clean the exterior parts of the air conditioner.

Proper cleaning of the external parts should also be followed with great care. In fact, dirt can settle on the rotors that divert air flow, or in other parts of the air conditioner. Regular cleaning of the air conditioner ensures a longer life and thus reduces the chances of any failures.

Check gas level and condenser condition.

This is a basic maintenance intervention, which prevents deterioration of the device's operation over time. Over time, gas tends to escape from the pipes of the system, and therefore must be subjected to strict control. An air conditioner that has less gas inside produces less cold and consumes more electricity.

Performing this check requires some experience and equipment to be purchased. Moreover, if a small mistake is made, all the gas can leak out of the system, which leads to a new refill.

Therefore, the scheduled maintenance of the air conditioner is very important for many factors. Some interventions are simple and can be done independently, but for others, in particular to check the gas level, it would be best to contact a qualified installer. Often to an untrained eye, some problems can slip away.

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