Why Would a Brand New Roof Require Vents in the First in the First?

One of the most well-known benefits of a roof vent is the fact that it keeps your attic cooler during the warmer seasons. If you've climbed into your attic during a scorching afternoon, (especially during an Oklahoma August) you're aware of this feature. alone is enough reason to set up as many roof vents you can.

Also, lowering the temperature of your attic as well as increasing the airflow can help keep out mold, damages and rot, as well as other problems homeowners have to face due to an attic that is not ventilated.

Vents don't only serve the purpose of keeping the temperature of your attic. There are many reasons why your roof requires adequate ventilation to protect roofing shingles and roofs:

Lower energy bills. Roof vents can lower your energy costs. A good air circulation system means that your cooling and heating elements won't be working as hard and for as long.

Reduce damage. Vents for your roof can stop damage to your shingles. Without proper ventilation for your roof your attic to stay at an elevated temperature. This could cause damage and even cracks to the shingles long before they show evidence of wear.

Be in the flow. Vents on the roof create a the proper air flow and reduces the amount of the accumulation of moisture in the attic. Unneeded moisture could ruin almost any aspect on your roofing. In addition, attics with inadequate airflow can cause mold to grow because moisture isn't expelled.

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How Many Vents on My Roof Do I Need?

Okay, you know the need for them. But what number of roof vents does each home really require? The general rule of thumb is that homeowners require an area of one square foot for roof vents for each 300 square feet of ceiling space, provided that your home is built with the vapor barrier or 1:300. If not, you must include one square foot of roofing vents for 150 square feet or 1:150.

The roof vents must be evenly divided, with half of them dedicated to air intake and the other half devoted for exhausting air. So, a 2,400 square foot house with a roof with a moisture barrier will require eight square feet for a vents for the roof.

Of course, every home in any climate is different, therefore we can take a look at your particular needs and determine exactly what the requirements your house requires.

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What are the different kinds and styles of vents for your roof?

Like every home differs, each roof has a unique strategy when it comes to vents for the roof. Here's a brief overview of various types of vents we suggest and install for our homes.

Wind Turbines

This is the traditional roof vent you've seen all over your homes. People call them Whirlybirds because they spin as the wind blows. They are powered by wind energy which pulls warm air and the moisture upwards and out from your attic.

Power Vents

The vents come with motors that drive fans that push out the water and heat. Additionally, they have humidistats and thermostats to keep track of levels of humidity and temperature in your attic. They're programmed to switch off when humidity levels become excessively high.

Box Vents

The vent works by natural convection to create an opening through which the rising heat and moisture will escape. Because there is no generator or wind energy source homeowners typically have to put in more than the usual quantity of exhausts.

Ridge Vents

The name is a reference to how it looks. Ridge vents are located on the horizontal ridges of the roof. They aren't so obvious like other vents on the roof. Many roofing professionals believe that they are the most effective roofing system that is possible to install.

Cupola Vents

Cupola vents are beautiful and therefore many choose to put them in as a mere decorative elements to their roofing (meaning that these vents aren't actually useful). Cupola vents, however, are functional and are usually paired with other vents to ensure adequate ventilation.

Soffit Vents

Although technically they are not located on your roof but these vents provide a wonderful service in bringing airflow in your attic. The soffits are situated around the home vents in soffits allow plenty of air to enter the attic. However, they are located at the bottom on the roofing, and therefore they need to be paired with another kind of vent to give the temperatures to exit.

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