Virtual Reality Is Fulfilling Needs of Students in Practical Work

Education is one of the four fundamental pillars of a thriving society and a well-developed country. It has been a critical source of knowledge and principles. It has been emphasized ever since human civilization understood the necessity of exchanging knowledge and transferring it to the young ones.

As the world has grown and progressed over time, the ways through which this transfer and exchange was made easy, have evolved too. From open-ended discussions in a king’s court to group discussions under a community tree, we evolved to private schools and smart classrooms. And with the new decade having just started, it is easy to say that many new emerging technologies will make a way in the educational realm of things.

According to recent studies and statistics, the global AR and VR market is expected to grow by $209.2 billion by 2022. These numbers show that VR would pave its way in categories other than gaming and technology.

6 Educational Realms where VR has paved its way

Here are six different educational fields where VR has facilitated learning and will be becoming increasingly efficient with time.

1.     Immersive way of learning new languages

Learning a new language requires full immersion as the students should not only listen and speak the language, but daily learning should allow the language to be fully incorporated in your regular usage. As most of us may not be able to travel back and forth internationally as frequently as we would like to, VR is the best and ultimate solution for an immersive experience. It is the next best thing than actual reality to convince your brain to think the experiences you are having through VR are real. There are now many apps available that allow a smooth and efficient VR experience through an Oculus Rift headset.

2.     Architecture and design studies

Many schools are now beginning to understand that virtual reality technology is a great tool to spark creativity in students. It can especially be fruitful in keeping them engaged for new and advanced architecture and design studies. The virtual reality gear has become so technologically advanced that students are now able to use computer-generated 3D models and view them through VR headset as real-time simulation. According to content marketing experts it will not only allow you to see your design as an actual structure, but you will be able to visit it virtually and see for yourself how the structure turns out to be if it were standing upright.

3.     Medical and dentistry practices

VR has made medical and dentistry practices way more comfortable to be conducted. Now you don’t need real dead bodies or organs to be kept preserved for using them in your practices. All you need is a VR headset that allows you real-time simulation experience, and you practice your contact through the virtual technology. Many medical institutions have started to incorporate this practice into their regular classes.

4.     Philosophical theories

It would have been hard to imagine sometime back, but now it is has become one of the stark realities of our times. Now we can experience centuries-old philosophical theories through VR simulations. Philosophical lessons are now being interpreted in a way that they can work in coordination with a VR headset. This allows you not only to feel and have a real-time experience but to learn based on your own individual feelings that are generated because of VR. Many students had started to enroll in philosophical studies and taking literature review writing help when recently the subject had started to lose its charm. But thanks to VR and the immersive experience, students are now more interested than ever.

5.     Training for military

VR gaming has already shown us that military training through VR is not a big deal anymore. The technology is so far advanced that developing a real-time simulative program that allows you to have outdoor military training is now a real prospect ready to be tested for future use. Other external factors aside from government involvement in the military teachings and the budgets assigned, VR is one such aspect that, if made part of the program, would give fruitful results.

6.     Filmmaking and gaming

It is one field that has already well established itself in the VR domain. Although new entrepreneurs are striving for business loans to start their own careed in film-making.Virtual reality for firstly introduced as an entertainment technological advancement and much to public opinion that it won’t work, worked out well. Many new games can be seen coming out with variations of gaming options to be played on a VR headset with other consoles being sidelined. As well as YouTube has allowed a separate option on videos that are made VR-friendly.


In conclusion, VR is not a fad. The technology is here to stay and make more efficient advancements in many other departments like business and finance in the future.

Author Bio: Claudia Jeffrey is currently working as a Content Strategist at Crowd Writer. She has explored the VR domain so extensively that she writes about her experiences on her blog at Word Count Jet. She has gained a significant number of audiences that respect her opinion and expertise in this regard.