The rules and regulation of donating egg in India

Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) under the supervision of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare drafted the Assisted Reproductive Technologies (Regulation) Rules in 2010. According to Section 20 mentioned in this draft, the Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) clinic should take written informed consent from the intended parents before initiate the treatment procedure. The intended parents should understand the language written in the informed consent form, and the format of the consent form is specified in Form D.

Using donor egg infertility treatment is a type of procedure involves in ART. The detailed information of the egg donor needs to be provided on M1 Form. The result of the screening test conducted before egg donation must be recorded on Form N. This responsibility needs to be taken by the professionals working in the ART bank. The donor gametes using history must be recorded and maintained in Form O.

Egg donation would involve fertilization of an egg (s) received from an anonymous egg donor with a male partner's (husband) sperm. The created embryo then transferred into the infertile female partner. In the following cases egg donation in India is permitted according to the ICMR guidelines:

• Gonadal dysgenesis: Defective developmental issues of female gonads (ovary or egg sac) usually occurs due to a congenital defect.

• Premature ovarian failure: loss of normal ovarian functioning before 40 years of age

• Iatrogenic ovarian failure due to surgical intervention in the ovary or chemical castration, exposure to radiation.

• Development of resistant against ovary syndrome, or female has a poorresponse to ovulation induction.

• Women who act as a recessive autosomal disorders carriers.

• Women reach their menopause.

According to the ICMR guideline, an egg donor should pass clinically and psychologically which is determined through medical screening tests along with the absence of HIV and STDs are essential criteria. The decided age limit of donor egg is 21-35 years. The blood group of egg donors must be recorded and HIV, HCV, HBsAg, and VDRL tests are conducted for a successful and safe egg donation cycle and giving birth to a normal healthy child.

Egg recipients should also be healthy, which can be determined through medical and psychological examination. Physical examination should be conducted to confirm the normal genitalia and hysterosalpingography treatment usually conducted for examining and confirming the uterine cavity.

The semen characteristics of the male partner (husband) require to check before egg donation and fertilization process initiated. This is essential to check the male fertility ability.

ICMR has also drawn a regulation for using donor egg in the 2010 draft. According to this guideline, women who are suffering from premature menopause or reached routine menopause or come under perimenopausal age group or having a problem inadequate follicles recruitment or suffering from other causes of infertility can take the benefit of the egg donation option.

Even women having genetic disorders and undergone radiation therapy or severe ovarian adhesions and cannot accessible by ultrasound also recommended taking help from donor egg for successful in-vitro fertilization with embryo transfer treatment option.

It is also essential to provide sufficient information to the intended parents in case of a child born through ART has a right to ask for the information about the genetic parent when he/she will reach to 18 years of age. However, disclosure of name and address or the personal identity of the egg donor is not allowed.

The intended parent does not have any obligation to share the information even after the age of 18.

But in case the child requires this information to solve an important issue, then intended parents should provide the necessary information without hiding any fact.

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