This is Tidbits

Another day, another drop in the bucket. Seasonal allergies have laid me low, but I’m trying to remember that…

Tidbit #2

This is temporary. No matter what the situation. Even with seemingly permanent things, your relationship to the situation will change. The only constant is change.

My nose is running, my throat hurts, my brain is telling me my friends don’t like me that much. What else is new? But even now, I’m trying to hear the hummingbird. It’s saying: “Your friends love you. We know this because they’ve said so, and why wouldn’t we take them at their word? Also, it’s okay to feel like shit. It happens.”

Tidbit #3

Do you feel like shit? Do you have zero energy, not even enough to make decisions? Use this website to find small things you can do that might make you feel a little less shitty.

In conclusion: When your throat hurts, seek out cough drops. Sometimes it’s that simple.